Leafyridge Olives Limited
Leafyridge Olives, situated near Masterton in the beautiful Wairarapa region of New Zealand, is owned and managed by the Leaf-Wright family.
Its location, at the southern tip of the North Island of New Zealand, has an ideal climate for producing some of the finest Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the world. The trees grow in the stony, free draining soils so typical of the Wairarapa, alongside the Ruamahanga river. The cold, wet winters followed by long, hot and dry summer days are perfect conditions for the olives, resulting in oils with uniquely fresh flavours to gratify even the most discerning palate.
We get an enormous amount of pleasure and satisfaction from the effort we put into producing our oil and we are certain that you will get just as much from using it, whether in baking, cooking, on salads, or even as a health tonic, on its own!